Monday, January 5, 2009

9.99 (are you out of your mind?)

Sorry, I couldn't help the Denny's reference...

If you get a chance, I encourage anyone who reads this to go and check out Tatia Rosenthal's 9.99. It's an independent stop motion feature that she's been slaving over for quite a number of years. I haven't seen it yet but I'm sure it's worth the ticket price. I kind of hope it gets nominated and wins the Oscar. Why? Cause it's a truly independent film and wouldn't it be cool if it beat out WALL-E?
Check it out yo..

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ciao, Mr. Ackerman!

A while back, the world got a bit more boring...The man who coined the term "Sci-Fi", Forest J. Ackerman left this plane of existence for parts unknown. A great friend of the imagination, truly. Thanks for all the cool stuff!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Halloween laments.....

Don't get me wrong, Hallowe'en is probably my favorite holiday around. A feeling that I share with just about everybody. I just feel that this beloved holiday has unfortunately turned into a lame-o event. Bloody aliens, goth faces, sexy devils...bleagh!

Look how cool and creepy these images are...

The following images are disturbing. But not because they're scary. Quite the contrary, they're simply stupid looking. Since when does lame costumes, bucket loads of gore and blood equal fear?

These people are so BAD ASS! Ahh, look a hot gal dressed up as a sexy doll.

ooOOOOoooo. Scary huh?

Don't misunderstand me, I love it when people dress up. But please, have a little imagination. Here's one last cool image to linger on...

More to come!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sounds kinda sketchy to me...

Looking at this pic for some reason makes me feel queasy. I don't know all the details but it seems like a deal has been struck regarding the "bailout" we need. I know we're in a bad way financially, and there's mucho trouble with the housing market. But I can't help thinking that these guys pictured are gonna profit quite a bit off this deal.

Think about it, these guys will most likely be gone in around 10-15 years, maybe sooner. Why would they care if we and our grandchildren are still paying off this debt? A bunch of devils scheming for money I call 'em!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Would Sarah Palin shoot Bigfoot?

If it's cute, furry and breathes, that savage Palin is most likely to blow it to smithereens. Thankfully, Bigfoot is smarter than her. And in honor of that, somebody out there was smart enough to stabilize the famous Patterson footage. Take a look. It seems as if this particular bigfoot is a girl bigfoot! Notice her dainty, petite footsies??

Thanks boing boing and Lemonodor Auxiliary


NNOOOOOO! It ain't true!!

'Course it's not! I mean, it's the Weekly World News that reported it. Right?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Me no like sir.

Why don't I like her? Well, there's a number of reasons. The biggie for me is that she supports hunting animals for sport. What a barbarian. In this day and age, it's hard for me to believe that schmucks like her (and there's a lot of them) like to kill innocent animals for the sake of fun. Mrs. disgust me.

On a similar note, she also supports the war in Iraq. I wonder if her viewpoint will change if something happens, God forbid, to her son? I don't wish that, but it's hard not to ask that question...

Want to know more about this awful woman? Yo, check it all out here..

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The REAL bigfoot.

In honor of all the monster sightings out there, I thought I should post this...

To me, this is what Mr. 'Quatch looks like!!