Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ciao, Mr. Ackerman!

A while back, the world got a bit more boring...The man who coined the term "Sci-Fi", Forest J. Ackerman left this plane of existence for parts unknown. A great friend of the imagination, truly. Thanks for all the cool stuff!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Halloween laments.....

Don't get me wrong, Hallowe'en is probably my favorite holiday around. A feeling that I share with just about everybody. I just feel that this beloved holiday has unfortunately turned into a lame-o event. Bloody aliens, goth faces, sexy devils...bleagh!

Look how cool and creepy these images are...

The following images are disturbing. But not because they're scary. Quite the contrary, they're simply stupid looking. Since when does lame costumes, bucket loads of gore and blood equal fear?

These people are so BAD ASS! Ahh, look a hot gal dressed up as a sexy doll.

ooOOOOoooo. Scary huh?

Don't misunderstand me, I love it when people dress up. But please, have a little imagination. Here's one last cool image to linger on...

More to come!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sounds kinda sketchy to me...

Looking at this pic for some reason makes me feel queasy. I don't know all the details but it seems like a deal has been struck regarding the "bailout" we need. I know we're in a bad way financially, and there's mucho trouble with the housing market. But I can't help thinking that these guys pictured are gonna profit quite a bit off this deal.

Think about it, these guys will most likely be gone in around 10-15 years, maybe sooner. Why would they care if we and our grandchildren are still paying off this debt? A bunch of devils scheming for money I call 'em!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Would Sarah Palin shoot Bigfoot?

If it's cute, furry and breathes, that savage Palin is most likely to blow it to smithereens. Thankfully, Bigfoot is smarter than her. And in honor of that, somebody out there was smart enough to stabilize the famous Patterson footage. Take a look. It seems as if this particular bigfoot is a girl bigfoot! Notice her dainty, petite footsies??

Thanks boing boing and Lemonodor Auxiliary


NNOOOOOO! It ain't true!!

'Course it's not! I mean, it's the Weekly World News that reported it. Right?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Me no like sir.

Why don't I like her? Well, there's a number of reasons. The biggie for me is that she supports hunting animals for sport. What a barbarian. In this day and age, it's hard for me to believe that schmucks like her (and there's a lot of them) like to kill innocent animals for the sake of fun. Mrs. disgust me.

On a similar note, she also supports the war in Iraq. I wonder if her viewpoint will change if something happens, God forbid, to her son? I don't wish that, but it's hard not to ask that question...

Want to know more about this awful woman? Yo, check it all out here..

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The REAL bigfoot.

In honor of all the monster sightings out there, I thought I should post this...

To me, this is what Mr. 'Quatch looks like!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Me hate poachers

This eagle got most of her beak shot off by some heartless poacher. Luckily, someone found her (starving) and was later fitted with a fake upper beak.

It's enough to make one loose faith in humanity doesn't it?

Here's the link.

Saturday, May 31, 2008


I guess Disney felt like they had to make a lame-o DVD release of Tinkerbell and her stupid, fairy friends. Where's the wheelchair-bound fairy?

Friday, May 9, 2008


Hope all you moms out there enjoy your day off!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

TIme to help

For those of you who haven't already heard, A devastating cyclone hit Myanmar a few days ago. Death tolls are estimated to hit 100,000!!

It's time to help those in need. How? By donating to the Red Cross or Doctors without Borders. It's a very simple procedure and they'll take any dollar amount. If you can't afford to give money, you can donate blood or just about anything to the Red Cross.

We need to help. There will come a time when the U.S. will be calling for aid. Plus, it'll make you feel all tingly inside.

Read about the cyclone with this here link.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Funny picture

Is ol' Ronny about to give the slap down on this guy? You be the judge.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Lefor Openo

I've had to very good fortune to learn about these very, very AMAZING! WONDERFUL! STUPENDOUS! artists. Marie-Claire Lefort & Marie-Francine Oppeneau, otherwise known as Lefor-Openo. They mostly did stuff in the 60's and 70's. Just look at this...

Definitely cool!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Thanks Ollie!!

Well... sooner or later it had to happen. The last of Mr. Disney's Nine Old Men just made it to the big animation house in the sky. Mr. Ollie Johnston just left this plane of existence. 95 years...
Not bad Mr. Johnston. Thanks for all the cool stuff you shared with us!!!

In case your wondering... he's the old guy on the right. The other chap is Frank Thomas, Ollie's best pal and fellow genius.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Space poop

Ugh. It never ends does it?. Even the website name is lame.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Drink Wilkins Coffee!

Last week, I had the pleasure of attending a very rare screening of early Jim Henson work hosted by the neat-o people at Cinefamily. Here's just a little bit of the genius I was lucky enough to watch...

If you're in the Los Angeles area, I strongly encourage you guys to checkout Cinefamily's website and stop by the theater. They've got lots of cool stuff screening there!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Another monster sighting??

I was traveling back from a lovely visit with the family when I came across this in the desert! The creature was so huge that all my camera was able to catch were these...

I think it may a brontosaurus, but I didn't see no caveman riding it.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Thanks Mr. Clarke!

The author of "2001, a Space Odyssey", creator of the Communications Satellite, and a great friend of imagination has recently left this plane of existence. Mr. Arthur C. Clarke...Thanks for all your coolness. Now you know the answers to the all mysteries of the Universe you've been pondering yer whole dern life!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Drunk irisssshhh day!!

Here are some lovely images from Rankin Bass's "Leprechaun's Christmas Gold" and "Darby O'Gill & the Little People". I don't know how accurate this is but here's a Wikipedia article 'splaining that it was the later film what made the wee folk popular here in the US. Judge for yourself, I personally believe it.

Bigfoot in LA?

It was meant to be a nice, relaxing day at Pan-Pacific Park, enjoying the food, atmosphere and company...When out of nowhere I see this fuzzy image riding a bicycle down the slopes of the park. Bigfoot!! I managed to snap off this photo of him. My heart was pounding!!

Here's a closer view...

Friday, March 14, 2008

Stoooooop iiiit!

Why, why, WHY do people insist on ruining my beloved childhood memories?! What's next I ask ya?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Speaking of Godzilla...

Last week, I ran across this book about Godzilla's (& many other cool monsters) pop, Eiji Tsubaraya. It's a biogarphy of sorts, cobbled together with co-worker memoirs and some fanboy ravings.
It's not the best read but the behind the scenes photos kick boo-tay.

Something about seeing the giant monsters standing next to humans at full scale gives me pause. It's worth a buy.


Saturday, March 1, 2008

Monsters am better

Sorry about my previous post. I had to rant a little about that. Here's a cool picture of monster to make up for it. Everybody loves Godzilla!! (except for Ray Harryhausen)

Mud Slingers.

This may seem trivial, but why must we endorse this kind of behavior? Isn't a good leader supposed to set an example as an upstanding citizen? Pathetic.

this is greatness...

My good friend Mike Wolfe showed this to me.... the design on the kids remind me of Mary Blair a little. It was an east coast production during the the 60's AND Mrs. Blair did live in New York. Hmmm...

Monday, February 18, 2008

Who's the Man?

Ray Harryhausen's the man. Last night I had the pleasure of watching a 50th anniversary screening of "The 7th Voyage of Sinbad". Ray was in attendance and made DVD style commentaries throughout. Very fun indeed.

And here's another cool image....

This here is Ray as a youngster animating on one of my all time favorite cartoons. George Pal's puppetoon "Hoola Boola". Now you know where I get my compooter ID from.

I can't begin to tell you all how proud I am of working with the fella. The highlight of my career for sure.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Beef schmeef.

143 million pounds of frozen beef has just been recalled by the FDA. That's enough for every American to have one burger...scary. What disturbs me is that there wasn't any specifics as to why the meat was recalled. All the FDA said was the meat is "unfit for human consumption". Most of that meat was sent to public schools all across California. Pretty sad, all those animals poorly treated and slaughtered for nothing. I'm pretty much decided I'm done with red meat.... watch out you chickens.


Thursday, January 10, 2008


I was pleasantly surprised when i received this image on my Birthday last month. Stokes the imagination don't it?

Look at this!

Neato huh? It's a sculpture of a Yokai, a Japanese monster that likes to play pranks on peoples. I want one of them!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Wednesday inspiration

Just look how unbelievably cool this design is. Super simple shape and full of personality in the pose...lovely, ain't it?