Friday, March 28, 2008

Drink Wilkins Coffee!

Last week, I had the pleasure of attending a very rare screening of early Jim Henson work hosted by the neat-o people at Cinefamily. Here's just a little bit of the genius I was lucky enough to watch...

If you're in the Los Angeles area, I strongly encourage you guys to checkout Cinefamily's website and stop by the theater. They've got lots of cool stuff screening there!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Another monster sighting??

I was traveling back from a lovely visit with the family when I came across this in the desert! The creature was so huge that all my camera was able to catch were these...

I think it may a brontosaurus, but I didn't see no caveman riding it.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Thanks Mr. Clarke!

The author of "2001, a Space Odyssey", creator of the Communications Satellite, and a great friend of imagination has recently left this plane of existence. Mr. Arthur C. Clarke...Thanks for all your coolness. Now you know the answers to the all mysteries of the Universe you've been pondering yer whole dern life!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Drunk irisssshhh day!!

Here are some lovely images from Rankin Bass's "Leprechaun's Christmas Gold" and "Darby O'Gill & the Little People". I don't know how accurate this is but here's a Wikipedia article 'splaining that it was the later film what made the wee folk popular here in the US. Judge for yourself, I personally believe it.

Bigfoot in LA?

It was meant to be a nice, relaxing day at Pan-Pacific Park, enjoying the food, atmosphere and company...When out of nowhere I see this fuzzy image riding a bicycle down the slopes of the park. Bigfoot!! I managed to snap off this photo of him. My heart was pounding!!

Here's a closer view...

Friday, March 14, 2008

Stoooooop iiiit!

Why, why, WHY do people insist on ruining my beloved childhood memories?! What's next I ask ya?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Speaking of Godzilla...

Last week, I ran across this book about Godzilla's (& many other cool monsters) pop, Eiji Tsubaraya. It's a biogarphy of sorts, cobbled together with co-worker memoirs and some fanboy ravings.
It's not the best read but the behind the scenes photos kick boo-tay.

Something about seeing the giant monsters standing next to humans at full scale gives me pause. It's worth a buy.


Saturday, March 1, 2008

Monsters am better

Sorry about my previous post. I had to rant a little about that. Here's a cool picture of monster to make up for it. Everybody loves Godzilla!! (except for Ray Harryhausen)

Mud Slingers.

This may seem trivial, but why must we endorse this kind of behavior? Isn't a good leader supposed to set an example as an upstanding citizen? Pathetic.

this is greatness...

My good friend Mike Wolfe showed this to me.... the design on the kids remind me of Mary Blair a little. It was an east coast production during the the 60's AND Mrs. Blair did live in New York. Hmmm...