Thursday, October 16, 2008

Halloween laments.....

Don't get me wrong, Hallowe'en is probably my favorite holiday around. A feeling that I share with just about everybody. I just feel that this beloved holiday has unfortunately turned into a lame-o event. Bloody aliens, goth faces, sexy devils...bleagh!

Look how cool and creepy these images are...

The following images are disturbing. But not because they're scary. Quite the contrary, they're simply stupid looking. Since when does lame costumes, bucket loads of gore and blood equal fear?

These people are so BAD ASS! Ahh, look a hot gal dressed up as a sexy doll.

ooOOOOoooo. Scary huh?

Don't misunderstand me, I love it when people dress up. But please, have a little imagination. Here's one last cool image to linger on...

More to come!